Have you ever asked yourself at the supermarket: ‘Is this price right?’ Of course, you can’t memorize the prices for all the products you buy frequently. What’s more, there are different formats, price by the pound, by kilo and per unit, colorful labels in the aisles… How can you succeed in buying intelligently without falling for food marketing traps and without overthinking?
An example of our Grocery Price Checker
We have just released a free and very powerful tool: the Grocery Price Checker. Simply choose your region (one of Canada’s ten provinces), enter the product name, as well as the price it costs in the shop, and click on the “check price” button. You will immediately find out whether the price is attractive or not, thanks to our “thumbs-up” or “down” qualification system.
This isn’t a trivial evaluation. Indeed, it takes into account the location, as well as the precise time of year. So don’t be surprised if the result differs one week to the next (for example, $1,99 is a good price for broccoli in winter, but not in summer). Our evaluation is based on a scarcity concept — in other words, the price is attractive if the product is rarely cheaper where you are and at the time you check it. Vice-versa, the price is not attractive if the product is frequently cheaper.
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