Category: What’s Cooking?
We’re hiring – And we need your help
We’re growing and we need to hire. What better place to start than right here, asking our user community – that is, YOU – for help in finding good candidates. Currently, we have these two high-level openings: Technical Director / CTO Web Developer Virtuoso Do you know some bright techie yourself? Can you ask your […]
Voyage to the centre of the taste bud
What motivates students from around the world to come and study at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) in Pollenzo, a small Italian village of approximately 750 inhabitants? First of all, the absolutely innovative concept! Here at last, is a university that offers courses on gastronomic studies. The bilingual instruction – in English and in […]
Barley, the cereal of gladiators
Barley, which belongs to the same family as wheat and oats, is the oldest cultivated cereal crop. In ancient times, barley was considered to be the symbol of strength and military valour, to such an extent that gladiators were known as hordearii, or “barley-eaters”.
Eat-in – a new tradition
How do you start off a year at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) ? With an Eat-In of course, full of good food and great cooking! So what exactly is an Eat-in? This wonderfully new concept, which has just celebrated its first birthday was launched by the Youth Food Movement in San Francisco.
Notre collaboratrice en Italie
Après avoir travaillé dans les coulisses de durant tout l’été, me voilà maintenant prête à commencer un baccalauréat à l’Université des Sciences Gastronomiques (UNISG), située à Pollenzo, dans le Nord-Ouest de l’Italie.
Our collaborator in Italy
After having worked behind the scenes of during the summer, I’m all set to start an undergraduate programme at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG), situated in Pollenzo in northwest Italy.
November: osteoporosis awareness month
When we launched the “bone-healthy” menus last September, many people asked me “why?” I feel that this is the ideal time to answer that question, since November is the month for osteoporosis awareness, a disease that strikes without warning and which should certainly not be ignored.
SOS Tips: Freezing Foods
We are often a little lost when it comes to freezing and defrosting dishes. There are however, certain basic principles that will help you preserve the flavour and freshness of food.
Video: Freezing Foods
Cinzia did her seventh report on the popular French TV program Par-dessus le marché. This time around, Cinzia shares her tips about freezing food the smart way. Watch the video (in French).
Share your tips: stocking up for winter
It’s harvest time. Do you have a tradition of preparing preserves or stocking up your freezer?
Did you know that #3
For every Canadian apple that is exported, 5 are imported!
SOS Tips: How to Cook Corn on the Cob
There are several ways to cook corn. For colour and texture I prefer the microwave, but you will find here my tricks for the other methods as well: