Category: What’s Cooking?
World Water Day
Today, March 22, is World Water Day, a time to focus public attention on the critical water issues of our era. Have you thought about what you can do to preserve this precious resource? Check out this video for 6 easy steps that you can do everyday. And please share with fellow readers and friends […]
Do you know where sugar hides?
Sugar is the most important food additive. It is present in a variety of packaged foods, from yogurts and cereals to salad dressings and drinks. To understand how much sugar you are eating, read the labels and use as little as possible of those products where sugar is one of the first ingredients in the […]
Breast milk ice cream in London
An ice cream parlour in London’s Covent Garden made the news last week for selling a breast milk concoction, called the “Baby Gaga”. Priced at a hefty 14 pounds per serving (about $22), this ice cream went out of stock within a few days.
Fill up with vitamin C
The citrus fruit season is in full swing. We all know that they are an excellent source of vitamin C. However, given that vitamin C quickly turns sour on coming into contact with air, it is better to squeeze your orange, grapefruit, or lemon then consume the juice right away. Even better still, eat the […]
Everyone should eat like me ;-)
It was with a bit of apprehension – I admit – that I went for my annual check up with my doctor this morning. Not that I had any particular reason for worrying about my health since I feel well, but as the years go by… you never know what problems may be lurking around […]
Good Fats, Bad Fats
Fat per se is not bad. It’s the type and quantity of fat that matters. Indeed, to function properly, our body needs an adequate and regular intake of fatty acids. These are stored in our body fat and constitute an energy reserve to draw from during prolonged physical exercise. In addition, fat does make food […]
Watch out for salt!
To prevent or control high blood pressure, it is important to keep sodium intake to a minimum. For all of you who subscribe to our service, this is easy to do, since our meal plans use fresh ingredients and food that is mostly unprocessed, and therefore low in salt. Also, the flavouring in our recipes […]
A healthy heart for your Valentine
February is the month of the heart, during which there’s a lot of public awareness about cardiovascular diseases that are lying in wait for many of us. Here are the most important health tips that you should take to heart:
About McDonald’s chicken nuggets
It’s been years since my last visit to a McDonald’s restaurant: their food is far too salty and greasy for my taste. I was however quite intrigued by Dr SCHWARCZ’s enlightening article on the Montreal Gazette a few weeks ago. Whether or not you are a fan of McDo, you may enjoy Dr Joe’s dissertation […]
A new “soda tax”? Are you in favour?
Last Thursday, the Quebec-based Weight Coalition testified before the House of Commons health committee to advocate a new 1 % tax on soft drinks and energy drinks to help pay for the fight against obesity. The Weight Coalition is also calling for a ban on the sale of soft drinks and energy drinks in all […]
Fish consumption sets a new record in 2010
I came across a recent report issued by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Global fish consumption has reached a “new all-time high” in 2010. Please read the article. What do you think? Are you concerned?
Broccoli Rabe, the flavour of Italy
Broccoli rabe is a plant that most probably originated in the Mediterranean region. It is similar to broccoli, cabbage and various other members of the cruciferous family. It has thin green stalks which end in spiked leaves and flower buds.