Category: What’s Cooking?
A few more days to see “Schwartz’s: The Musical”
If you wonder what this subject has to do with our “Pestoblog”, it means you don’t know about Montreal’s famous Hebrew delicatessen. I took in the show last week and like everyone else who has ever enjoyed a smoked meat sandwich at Schwartz, I enjoyed every moment of the brilliant script and storyline.
Last week’s service outage
If you tried to use SOSCuisine Thursday or Friday last week, you know that the site was down. The good news is that by 3pm Eastern time on Friday, SOSCuisine was back up and running. However, this has been a very frustrating 30+ hours, so I’d like to apologise to everyone affected and explain why […] in Africa!
A dietetic technician in the R&D team at SOS Cuisine since 2009, I am also a ‘globe-trotting gastronome’. As part of my latest university internship, I had the opportunity to go and study food in Kenya!
Urban farmer atop an office building in Montreal
Lufa Farms, which is located atop a two-storey office building in Ahuntsic, is starting to produce pesticide- and herbicide-free vegetables in its 33,000 square foot rooftop greenhouse. The company aims to become the “family farmer” of about 1,000 Montreal families. For more info: Happy Earth Day!
Have you already tasted Quebecol?
In all likelihood, the answer will be yes, because it is one of the compounds found in maple syrup, more specifically, a polyphenol (antioxidant) compound that was unknown till very recently and which was thus named in honour of Quebec. In fact, in a study commissioned by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers to […]
Hidden price hikes: Shrinking packages
Downsizing the packages in the food business is nothing new: to hide the fact that the prices for basic commodities such as wheat, corn and rice are going up, industry opted for smaller and lighter packages. So, at the end of the day, you are getting less than you used to for your money. That […]
So…what about soy?
Usually towards the end of a one-on-one dietary counselling session I will often be asked, “so…. what about soy? After hearing the same question various times, I think it is time to set the facts straight. Is soy cause for concern? Should we be avoiding soy? Should we be consuming more soy? Let’s find out!
Benefits of soy
Soy is a food that has a high nutritional value. In fact, 1 cup of cooked soybeans contains the same amount of proteins as 100 grams of meat, poultry or cooked fish. And the proteins in soy, unlike other legumes, are considered to be ‘complete’. Moreover, like all legumes, soy has no cholesterol and it […]
Eat Well and Live Green Expo in Quebec City
Thanks to the kindness of Renée Frappier, President of the Eat Well and Live Green Expo, we found a booth at the last minute and could therefore present the latest developments at SOSCuisine at the Quebec City venue, last weekend. Interestingly, among the many visitors who visited us at the booth, we had the pleasure […]
3,000 visitors at the SOSCuisine booth!
We spent three long and satisfying days at the 2011 Eat Well and Living Green Expo last weekend at the Palais des congrès in Montreal. We offered a sneak peek of our ‘SOSCuisine Plus’ service, which will revolutionize the manner in which you plan your shopping at the supermarket and which will let you reap maximum […]
World Salt Awareness Week
The average Canadian eats 3 times more salt (1) than what is recommended, and 50% more than the tolerable upper intake level. As a result, nearly 5 million (2) of us suffer from hypertension, which is a major risk factor for stroke.
About alcoholic beverages
Some of you have asked us whether it is possible or not to include alcoholic beverages in your menu. Except in the case of gastro-oesophageal reflux, for which alcohol is contra-indicated because of its irritant effect on the inner lining of the oesophagus, alcohol can be included, subject to certain conditions: