Category: What’s Cooking?
Pasta is Number 1 in the world
It is with a little bit of national pride that I read "How pasta became the world’s favourite food" in the BBC News magazine, a few days ago. Indeed, I do not know anybody who does not like pasta. Do you ?
Fresh herbs for good taste and health
This summer, try your hand at cooking with fresh aromatic herbs that are currently available everywhere and in abundance. They add flavour and fragrance to dishes, thereby allowing you to cut down on your intake of salt. What’s more, they contain vitamins and essential oils. When bought fresh, herbs can stay fresh for a week […]
10 Food Pyramids From Around The World
The US Food Pyramid may be out, having just been replaced by "My Plate", but many countries still use a pyramid as their model for healthful eating. The Huffington Post has checked out 10 of them, and presents them with quite a bit of humor, in the following article: 10 Food Pyramids From Around The […]
In the U.S., the pyramid is out, the plate is in, and Michelle Obama is all for it!
After almost 20 years of preaching good eating with the help of a food pyramid, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has unveiled last week a new symbol for healthful eating, called My Plate. This initiative enjoys the personal endorsement of the First Lady Michelle Obama.
“Forks over Knives” coming to a movie theater near you
"Forks over Knives" is a documentary that shows how the soaring incidence of obesity, diabetes and chronic diseases is strictly connected to the Western world menu of animal-based and processed foods. At least, so goes the doc’s argument. Director Lee Fulkerson builds his movie mainly on the expertise of two doctors, The China Study author […]
Do you have a friend who is Pregnant?
Did you know that what she eats during pregnancy will influence her baby’s health at birth and for years to come? Major hormonal changes take place in the mother’s body during pregnancy. Ensuring an adequate intake of all essential nutrients is paramount, as is avoiding foods that pose a risk to the baby’s health. Help […]
SOS Cuisine at SIAL 2011
Last Friday, I presented SOSCuisine to an audience of food professionals at SIAL – Salon International de l’Alimentation, in Toronto.
Italian canned vegetables
A few days ago, the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade invited me to make a presentation on canned vegetables at SIAL – Salon International de l’Alimentation, in Toronto.
Wasting food by the tons
According to a recent study commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than one million tons of food, or a third of the world production are lost or thrown away each year… FAO experts say that industrialized countries and developing countries waste more or less the same amounts of food, but for different […]
SOSCuisine and your sexual life?!?
THE BAD NEWS Today May 17th is World Hypertension Day. You may already know that hypertension is by far the largest risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney diseases. But maybe you didn’t know that it is also a major cause of erection problems. A study published in 2000 in the Journal of Urology […]
WUFF! WUFF! Belgium gets the first ever “bar for dogs”
It is THE social event that everyone is… ‘yapping’ about in Belgium: the opening of a first bar for dogs in the Louis XV Pavillon, located in the Wolvendael Park in Brussels. Dogs are already allowed to roam around there without a leash from 6 p.m. onwards. But now they can also lap up dishes […]
Viva Mexico!
Mexicans are celebrating “Cinco de Mayo” (Spanish for “fifth of May”) today. This holiday commemorates their victory over the French at Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. This is not the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico, but it is observed outside Mexico as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. You are […]