Category: What’s Cooking?
How to read the Nutrition Facts Label
If you’re following our meal plans, you don’t need to worry about counting calories, fat, carbohydrates, or anything else. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, in order to make the right choices at the grocery store.
Eat from a red plate to lose weight
People who eat from a red plate or drink from red cups cut their food intake by 40 per cent, says a new study carried out by German and Swiss researchers and published in the journal Appetite. These scientists say that the colour red may encourage diners to avoid snacking because it is commonly associated […]
More on Poutine
Following our last week’s post titled “Boston’s take on poutine“, we got a few requests to explain what the “real thing” looks and tastes like and whether or not it can be part of a healthy diet. As you will learn by watching this video, poutine apparently originated in the late 1950s. Several communities in […]
Boston’s take on “poutine”
One of Quebec’s culinary symbol, “poutine”, has become increasingly popular across Canada, as well as in the Northern border regions of the United States, which offer variations of the traditional dish. Cheeses other than fresh curds are commonly used (most commonly mozzarella cheese), along with beef, brown or turkey gravy. Watch this video and tell […]
Top 10 Lies That Women Dieters Tell
“It was only a small portion”. Does this sound familiar? If yes, you’re not alone: 3,000 women aged 21 to 50 in the U.K. were just surveyed about their drinking and eating habits. They admitted telling more than one lie per day to themselves – and to others – to excuse their questionable dietary habits. […]
Blending in with vegetables
Have you already seen pictures of Liu Bolin, the “invisible man”? He is a Chinese artist known for taking photographs of himself, painted in order to blend in with the background. His message is often one of protest against consumer society.
Best of 2011: Your favourite recipes
Start off the New Year with 2011’s TOP 10 recipes. See which ones were both best rated and most often saved in the cookbooks of our 270,000 members during 2011. Surprisingly enough, the #1 recipe features fish as main ingredient! Who said that Canadians don’t like seafood? .
Macarons in Milan
If you read my previous post about macarons, you understood that, even if I do not have a sweet tooth, I do fall for these elegant delicacies. So, imagine my excitement when I bumped into a new Ladurée store while strolling in downtown Milan, last Saturday, along with my brother Gianfilippo.
Delicacies in Provence
When I was setting up in my little apartment in Marseille, I instantly perceived the absolutely delicious aroma that continuously wafted up my street! I felt as if the whole neighbourhood smelt of Froot Loops. I remember going out on the streets in search of the place from where this delicious aroma wafted. And this […]
Children’s cereals: Too much sugar
An Environmental Working Group (EWG) review of 84 popular cereal brands found that one cup of any of 44 popular children’s cereals has more sugar than three Chips Ahoy cookies (11 grams or about 3 teaspoons). This review, which assessed cereals manufactured by Kellogg’s, Post, General Mills and Quaker, found that only one in four […]
Beware of Scented Candles
Cinnamon apple or pumpkin spice scented candles may evoke the holiday season for some, but for others, these airborne fragrances trigger allergy symptoms — from runny, itchy noses and sneezing, to asthma attacks.
The week of least effort…
It’s that time of year again: We have a million things to do before Christmas, and very little time to do it all in. To lend a helping hand, I’ve concocted a “lazy” menu for you this week: