Category: Health and Nutrition

vegetables légumes

5 nutrients that vegans should monitor

September 19, 2014 2 Comments

First and foremost, you need to choose between the different forms of veganism that exist. Which type of vegan diet will you adopt? Strict veganism: The one that is most common is strict veganism. It excludes any kind of animal products. Raw foodism: There are also fans of raw foodism, who in addition to shunning […]

Mangez local, eat local

Eating organic food reduces your exposure to pesticides by 90%

September 18, 2014 No Comments

In 2006, the University of Washington conducted a study on 23 children who were made to follow an organic diet. After a few days, all traces of pesticides had disappeared from their urine. These traces quickly resurfaced at their original levels when they switched back to a traditional diet…


3 Keys to Success for Newbie Vegans

September 16, 2014 No Comments

Veganism is the practice of eating that excludes all foods of animal origin including eggs and dairy products and sometimes even honey. Here are some tips for newbie vegans.

Protect Children from Childhood Obesity: Drink Water!

September 16, 2014 No Comments

Water is the only drink that is essential. In fact, our children’s bodies contain 60% water, several litres of which are eliminated daily through perspiration and urine primarily. So this elimination needs to be balanced. Eating food (especially fruits and vegetables) is of course one way of introducing water into the body, but the most […]

gras trans fats

There’s still too much trans fat on your plate

September 15, 2014 No Comments

Trans fats garnered loads of publicity in the early 2000s and with good reason. The scientific community unanimously agrees that these fats have a harmful effect on cardiovascular health. What’s more, with the exception of dairy products, these fats are found primarily in ultra-processed and nutrient-poor foods, which certainly doesn’t help their cause. To be […]

l'éiquetage alimentaire, food labels

8 proposed food labelling changes

September 12, 2014 No Comments

Health Canada proposes to change food labelling. I’m sure you can imagine how huge this news must be for a dietitian! Given below is a summary of what I think are the most important changes, and my take on each of them.

5 Benefits of Meal Planning

September 10, 2014 3 Comments

With summer drawing to a close and regular schedules on track again, most of us will get back to very hectic routines. Mealtimes and “cooking up” lunches can become a real headache. Did you know that according to a survey conducted by Dietitians of Canada in 2012, only a third of Canadians plans their meals? […]

Healthy snacks for optimum energy

September 8, 2014 No Comments

In order to maintain a stable rate of blood sugar (blood glucose level), it’s important to eat at regular intervals and to have healthy snacks between meals, especially if you spend more than 3 or 4 hours without food. But which snack should you choose? To remain energized all day long, you should pair a […]

The Challenges of a Vegan Diet

September 5, 2014 No Comments

First let’s define a vegan diet: Vegans don’t consume any animal product including eggs, dairy, honey, gelatine, etc. When you eliminate an entire category of food, you must absolutely ensure that all the nutrients normally present in this category are found elsewhere. For example, calcium in dairy products and vitamin D that is added to milk and […]

staying in shape

5 tips for staying in shape

September 2, 2014 No Comments

With all this back-to-school stress, staying in shape and healthy eating can become the least of your worries. Your routine is turning upside down and schedules are somewhat unpredictable. The following strategies will help you during this busy time of year.

5 tips for our little runners

September 2, 2014 No Comments

Running is a sport that’s easily accessible to all. No doubt this is one of the reasons why it’s hugely popular. And many parents have even told me how much they are bonding with their kid(s) since they started running together as a family. Other parents have several questions about children practicing this sport. For […]


Forget about your cell phone while eating!

August 26, 2014 No Comments

Eating is a very important act of socialization in our lives. For example, dining together as a family has many health benefits. Not only is the food on the table often more nutritious than a meal eaten alone, such habits also encourage family bonding.

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