The following technical articles were written by our registered dietitians and published in the monthly newsletter of the Association of Francophone Physicians of Canada, of whom we are Nutrition Partner since 2014:
A2 milk / allergies and intolerances / alzheimer’s disease / anti-coagulants / breastfeeding / celiac disease / choline / collagen / constipation / diabetes / diverticular disease / fasting / fatty liver (NAFLD) / fibromyalgia / food guide / gout / histamine / hypothyroidism / intestinal microbiota / irritable bowel syndrome / ketogenic diet / LCHF diet / lectins / longevity / low fodmap diet / migraine / nephrolithiasis / nutrition / osteoporosis / pediatric nutrition / pregnancy / prebiotices / soy / sports / stress / sulphites / veganism / vegetarism / weight loss /
Can a calorie deficiency in athletes and sports enthusiasts be harmful? (July 2020) (in French)
Nutritional approach to avoid stomach aches during training (June 2018) (in French)
What to eat before, during and after sport (October 2017) (in French)
Training in the heat: Tips for not collapsing! (July 2018) (in French)