Comments on: Did you know that? Eating well made easy Thu, 20 Aug 2009 04:08:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: M. Davis Thu, 20 Aug 2009 04:08:39 +0000 This doesn’t supprise me at all, and in fact, has dumbfounded me for many years. The other night I was at Loblaws (disclamer, I buy my catfood there, but not much else!) and spent some time looking at the fruit and veggies. I found much less than 53% from Quebec. In fact the labels were very misleading making one THINK they were buying a Quebec product when in fact they were buying some “close to Quebec” mainly Ontario.
Where is *our* food going?

By: A concerned Canadian Wed, 19 Aug 2009 18:45:56 +0000 Amazing and S-C-A-R-Y news. I’ll share this info with all my contacts. Thanks for helping us eating more locally with your farmers’market menu.
